St Louis County, Minnesota
This Site is part of The MNGenWeb Project & The USGenWeb Project
Thank you for visiting the St. Louis County portion of the MNGenWeb.
I do not live in Minnesota, but have roots deep in her soil.
I will do my best to find resources and answer questions and perhaps
help locate that missing piece of your 'Ancestral Pie'
Contact: Martha

Table of Contents
History ~ Biographies ~ Maps ~ 'What's New' ~ Lookups
Vital Records ~ Obituaries ~ Cemeteries
Military ~ FS Historical Images ~ Naturalization ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Odds
'Minnesota Meanderings'
[Off Site] Eclectic MN Resources

Military ~ FS Historical Images ~ Naturalization ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Odds
Military Records
One Minnesota Revolutionary War Hero:
Stephen Taylor
War of 1812 Pensioners in Minnesota, 1883
Minnesota in the Civil War
Reports of Civil War [Union Army] Generals
Military data gleaned: Old St Louis Files ~ Military Museum
FS Wiki:
Minnesota in the Civil War
Another MN Site with War Data "Genealogy Village"
Minnesota Historical Society
~ Fort Snelling
Military Forts in Minnesota
Military Land Warrants in MN 1854-1863
Military & Minnesota Territory
Minnesota Civil War Units
~ Battlefield Maps
Civil War Burials - National Search Engine
~ Civil War Veteran Burials
Compiled Service Records: Union Soldiers
War Veteran Burial Listings , Vol X Sherman Lee Pompey Covering Men
In Regiments From Minnesota
Minnesota and 'The Wars'
Colonial Wars ~ Dakota War of 1862 ~ 150 Years Later
1862 Indian War Claims ~ Civil & Indian Wars: 1861-1865
Spanish American War & Philippine Insurrection
G A R Membership Records
Modern Wars, WW I, WW II, Korea [Ralph Carlson]
WW II Honor List of Dead or Missing
WWII Honor Roll: "In The World War" 1917 ~ 1918 ~ 1919 [FS Book]
Union Soldiers - Burial Locations
Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville, 1866
Here is the list for Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
Here is the List for Army Burials ~ Here is the List for Navy Burials
The Book is
arranged alphabetically by State and is fully searchable.
There are also Army & Navy Burial Lists at the end of the State Lists.
Minnesota, Veterans Grave Registration Reports, 1930-1975
"Alphabetical Index To Places of Interment Of Deceased Union Soldiers
in the Various States & Territories"
As Specified in Rolls of Honor, Nos I - XIII
Being those issued from the Quartermaster General's Office
Between June 15 1865 and August 27 1867
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1868
U.S. Army Generals' reports of Civil War service, 1864 - 1887
[Union Army] Family Search, Catalog: These records are really interesting,
Please use this Link
FS has Prison Burial Records and Burials in National Cemeteries in their Catalog
Homes for Disabled Veterans: 1866-1938: Searchable Database on FS]
"Soldiers of the Great War" [MN]
Military Headstone Applications: FS
1890 Veteran's Schedule: FS Searchable Database
Military Medical Records: National Archives
Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Search: DAR ~ GAR ~ SAR
MINNESOTA 1st Cavalry [Mounted Rangers] 2nd Cavalry Col. Brackett's Battalion,
Cavalry Hatch's Independent Battalion, Cavalry 1st Heavy Artillery 1st-3rd Independent Battery,
Light Artillery 1st-3rd Infantry (NARA Series M594, Roll 90) [LDS Film 1488542]
Log In, Search, Catalog, Enter Film # in Fiche/Film Slot

Naturalization Indexes
The following indexes are to be used as a guide only. You must write or visit the US District Court in Duluth MN to obtain the accession number that is needed to obtain a copy of the actual naturalization documents housed in Chicago, IL. The US District Court does not have the naturalization records available for the following index.
US District Court
417 Federal Bldg 515 W. 1st Street, Duluth, MN 55802
Contact the court for Costs
Please include all the information listed in the index about your ancestor,
this will make searching faster.
The Iron Range Research Center has an index which can be found here
Family Search Naturalization Index
See the Section below,
There are a lot of Naturalization Records in the Historical Images

Family Search: Historical Images
The following will help you get a handle on information that could be of value to your search for Family data.
This Chart will be a decent guide.
To access the Historical Images, log into your FS Account: Click on Search,
then at the top of the page: Historical Images:
You can begin with the search, but if you get lost or cannot figure it all out, use the linked chart and plug in the DGS Film number of interest from the Chart in the 'Fiche-Film' slot.
Types of Records:
Biographies, History, Naturalization, Military, Obituaries, Vital Records
Most of the Digital Films have indexes.
If there is no index, investigate to determine if the records were filmed in Chronological Order as many times they are.

Naturalization Records: "Old St Louis Files"
Index ~ Notes
According to the old file, the District Court does not have the files.
I cannot find these files anywhere. Supposedly they are available in the Duluth Public Library.
Odds & Ends
>>>What's New<<< Book
Assortment: Biography ~ Crime ~ Medical ~ Who's Who There are download links for
Archive.org & Google E Book Items What's New - Minnesota Books Indexes
for Minnesota Books Listed Below:
Google Drive
All of the Books below may be found either in the FS
Catalog, Archive. org Site or Google Books ~ They are fully searchable pdf
"Men of
Minnesota A Collection of the portraits of men prominent in business..."
Published By The Minnesota Historical Company 215 Nat. Ger. Am. Bank Bldg:
"Memorial Record Of Southwestern Minnesota, Illustrated"
Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company: 1897
"Minnesota and Its People"
Illustrated: Vol's III & IV Chicago: The S J Clarke Publishing company: 1924
"The United States Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery
of Eminent and Self-Made Men" Minnesota Volume New York and Chicago
American Biographical Publishing Company: 1879
"Who's Who in Minnesota"
Centennial Edition: 1858 - 1958 Hugh L White, Publisher ~ Bernice White,
Editor ~ Avis Person, Assoc. Editor
"Who's Who Among Minnesota
Women..." Compiled and Published By Mary Dillon Foster: 1914
Physicians and Surgeons of the United States" Edited By: William B
Atkinson, M D: Author of "Hints in the Obstertic Procedure," etc...
Philadelphia: Charles Robson, 1878 There are three Indexes, "Alpha", "Local"
& "Analytical" The two most useful are Alpha and Local
The Indexes are Here
The Book can be
read online or downloaded.
"Woman's Who's Who of America" A
Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Women of the United States and Canada
1914-1915: John William Leonard, Editor-in-Chief New York: The American
Commonwealth Company There is no Alpha Index, instead the Authors saw fit to
make one that is titled: "Her Married Name". There is an Addenda -
Corrections set of pages. The Bios are listed Alphabetically. The Addenda
and 'Married Name'
The book can be
read online or downloaded
"Men of America" A Biographical
Dictionary of Contemporaries Edited By: John W Leonard L R Hamersly &
Company One West Thirty Fourth Street, New York city: 1908 There is no TOC
or Index ~ Entries are Alphabetical :
Google Books: Read Online or Download
and Women of America" A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries L R
Hamersly & Company One West Thirty Fourth Street, New York city: 1910
Copyright 1909 By L R Hamersly & Company, New York There is no TOC or
Index ~ Entries are Alphabetical
Read Online or
"The American Bar" The Professional Directoy of
Lawyers of the World Sarah Livermore: Editor Sixty-Second Annual
Edition: 1980 Published by: Reginald Bishop Forster & Associates, Inc
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Please use this link for Index and Split Sections
>>>New<<< A new Archive
Service: Archive-It Here is a new way to search MN Digital Newspapers
Please use this Link

"Crime & Punishment"
Minnesota Public Criminal History ~ Search
Prison Records: Family Search Films - Please use this link for a Chart with film Numbers
Prison Records can be found in the FS Catalog, but they take a bit of tweaking to
find them.
Please use this link for Prison Records that can be found on Family Search:
Google Drive Link with Folders The links include Film Numbers Listed Below
LDS Films: 956170 Records of Yuma territorial prison, 1884-1910 [Search]
978903: San Quentin Records
Records of the Dead in Federal Prisons - Index
978907: Folsom Prison
Family Search: Prison Record Databases: Chart with Database Names and Dates
Criminals of America" By Thomas Byrnes Inspector of Police and Chief of
Detectives: New York City Cassell & Company, Limited 739 & 741 Broadway,
New York Copyright, 1886 By Thomas Brynes
begins on Page 414
Read Online or

Miscellaneous [Thanks, Tim Stowell]
Duluth Public Library [Biography File] ~ Genealogy Trails
Polish Names in the 1875, 1885 Minnesota State Census, and more
Duluth 1949 Telephone Book:
converted to Linked & Searchable pdf.
Links to each page are on the web page
Minnesota was home to many people from foreign lands.
The Polish Links Page is updated. Miscellaneous Polish Resources:
Reformatted to linked & searchable pdf

Churches & Church Records, Lodges & Schools
There was some interesting Church pages found in the
old St Louis Web Files.
They have been combined and can he found here.
Minnesota Church Records:
Family Search has an impressive collection of Church Records
in their Catalog: A Search produces this List
Swedish Mission Church 1899 - Duluth, MN
Choir Member Photos

Records & Links Below: Old St Louis County Files
Miscellaneous Lodge Information
School Indexes ~ An eclectic assortment
The School Files have been reformatted to searchable pdf's
All of the School Files may be found here:
Google Drive
Denfield Highschool: Classes 1922 - 1979
Duluth Highschool: 1897 - 1949
State Teachers College: 1938 - 1941
Gilbert Highschool: 1936
The other portion of School Indexes were combined and converted to a pdf.
Archive.org has State Normal School Records [Link for Duluth Schools]
The above are interesting and include students.
Here is
the link for other MN Schools

Have folks in other States?
Need a New Place to Search? Try: Reclaim the Records and "Ancestral Findings"

"The Fine Print"
County Coordinator:
Martha A C Graham
State Coordinator: Tim Stowell
Assistant State Coordinator: Karen De Groote For information about adopting a Minnesota County, please contact Tim
All materials, images, sounds and data contained herein are not to be copied or downloaded for purposes of duplication, distribution or publishing without the express written permission of the St Louis County Coordinator.
All data will stay with the MNGenWeb Project when and if the Coordinator resigns: Future contributions or donations will be returned to the Submitter upon request. Although believed to be correct as presented, any corrections, changes or additions or invalid links should be brought to the attention of the Webmaster.
Site Updated: 22 December 2024
Online Continuously since 1997
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